Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Love, makes the world go round.

Hey, sorry about the lag time between updates, no excuses though. The proof of D-listers #1 from Comixpress has shipped today so we're lookin at 2 weeks or so until it hits shelves. In the meantime Im still workin on Fallyn Soul, all be it slowly and D-listers issue #2.

But I do have some art to show of two brand new characters that will premier in the second season of D-Listers (about issue 7 or so).

The first is The RedHARE, a teenage superhero class D. Powers include: Superspeed (class D, top speed 90mph) Pyrokenetic .


The Second is RePete, Teenage legacy Super Villain class D. No powers listed. In possession of a Class A chronosuit designed by Dr Hunter Freeman aka "Time Ripper" and one stolen U.E.D.F. prototype MonoBike. I.Q. 129


Belive it or not, its a love story. Moar later.


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