Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Love, makes the world go round.

Hey, sorry about the lag time between updates, no excuses though. The proof of D-listers #1 from Comixpress has shipped today so we're lookin at 2 weeks or so until it hits shelves. In the meantime Im still workin on Fallyn Soul, all be it slowly and D-listers issue #2.

But I do have some art to show of two brand new characters that will premier in the second season of D-Listers (about issue 7 or so).

The first is The RedHARE, a teenage superhero class D. Powers include: Superspeed (class D, top speed 90mph) Pyrokenetic .


The Second is RePete, Teenage legacy Super Villain class D. No powers listed. In possession of a Class A chronosuit designed by Dr Hunter Freeman aka "Time Ripper" and one stolen U.E.D.F. prototype MonoBike. I.Q. 129


Belive it or not, its a love story. Moar later.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Fallyn Soul

Thats the title for the second project I'm working on with our newest member, Tom Bennis. Ill let him give the details but suffice it to say, its not a superhero book. Which is nice because it gives me the chance to draw different stuff, you'd be surprised how sick you can get drawing cityscapes all day long. Anyway, here's the first page for you to enjoy.


And now the second. I'm trying to appeal to the female comic reader demographic here with this project.


man candy...


Saturday, November 3, 2007

a love note to gainax

honestly these blog titles have almost no bearing on their content.

I somehow managed to make 7 new pages and 2 replacement pages on the inside of 2 days.(bringing the total number of pages done in a week to 11, a personal best)
The 3 new pages plus the 2 page splash page i made the day before are now the new intro to the first issue while the 2 other pages replace older art that i am honestly glad no one has to see anymore. I'd usually have a set of scans to follow but im typing this on my blackberry and am nowhere near my scanner. (thus all the grammatical errors)
I also completed 2 pages for issue #2 and 2 pages for Tom Bennis's project "Fallyn Soul" which has a "Bleach meets Wormwood" feel to it that i think you're gonna like very much.
The plan, is to pick back up on that issue next week with another marathon drawing session while i get D-listers formatted and to the press. Anyone interested in purchasing an issue can do so from Leftfeild's comics and cards in Milford, PA and also from the website in about a month from now.
As soon as i get off work tomorrow morning, ill scan the new D-lister pages. Untill then...


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bring your trunks, Im gonna splash ya

I can honestly say this is the most fun I've had drawing so far. This splash page is set to replace the first two pages in the double sized #1 due out in Dec. I replaced a lot of the art because half the book was drawn almost 3 years ago and I'm just not that artist anymore. Part of the reason this book took so long is because of that. Not being satisfied with leaving in old art, I've been replacing pages here and there (Especially the ones that were scanned poorly). So the first issue may look a bit hodge podge because of the old and new art but its still the best damn comic no one has read yet.


Honestly what really burns is that I cant use any of these characters because...well they're dead.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The new cover


Just finished it today. All thats left is lettering and final editing then its off to the presses. In a week I start the pencils for the second issue and ofcourse ill post some of the pencils. Also getting some work done on that project T.O.M. Were lookin to put a 6 page preview in the next issue. stay tuned for more.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

preview of next months episode

Im not gonna say a word. Enjoy the preview in next months issue.


Pencils in the Can !

Oh man, I didn't think I'd finish so soon (or late depending on how you look at it?) but the pencils on issue #1 double sized (which is basically issues 1 and 2 combined) are done. All thats left to do is final editing and lettering and its off to the printer. I wish i could color it, I'm capable but I just don't have the time. So in the future if I can find a color artist willing to work basically for free, they'll just have to stay B&W for now. Perhaps if i get picked up by a publisher they will hook me up. Anywhoo, here's a small sample of the 38th page for you to enjoy. The rest of the issue goes on sale in 5 weeks. Still out before Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


not much now. workin on the last 7 pages of D-listers #1 doublesized which brings the total page count to 35 so far (44 in total). What I do have for you is a third sketch for that mysterious Project T.O.M.


stay tuned for more.


Saturday, September 29, 2007


Ok sorry for the long wait but War4rged Studios is back online after a lengthy financial hiatus. D-listers double issue #1 is rescheduled for December 1st release date with each issue afterwards on a monthly schedule. Tomorrow, Ill post 3 new pages for ya as proof that I'm still hard at work on this most epic of comics. But for now I present two character sketches by me for a new project were cookin up with our newest member, Tom Bennis.

Project T.O.M.


nifty stuff huh! More in 15 hrs, gotta go to work soon.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

wizardworld post game report

Wow...just wow. That was one hell of a show. Its late now as I post this and I am a bit tired so im gonna cut it quick. Submitted to the DC talent search and wasnt picked but no big deal. Got alot of praise from some well respected artist and editors, even from the EIC at Aspen comics. All in all a semi sweet victory for myself. Cant quit my day(night) job just yet but I am Definatly on the right path. Ill post a full review of the event later, but for now enjoy the pics.

Wizard World \'07

100_1054 ROB !!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Ok folks listen up, We here at WAR4RGED STUDIOS have confirmed our expedition to Chicago this August for the Wizard World '07 convention. Those of you that we have spoken too about this trip can contact either myself or Hopper for all the details. For the rest who I wish could join us but wont make it, we will post round the clock coverage of the event and our adventures in the windy city on this website and probably our respective myspaces.
In comic related news, I finally purchased some new paper and am finally ready to finish this issue. Expect a wave of new pages to appear in the comming days as we countdown to the end of June.
As a final note...this convention have some significance to me because this year im going to bring my portfolio with me and get a review from the big 3 (marvel, DC and Image for those not in the know). Wish me luck, who knows? Mabey we'll get picked up!

Directions to the convention center


Monday, June 11, 2007


well, it was bound to happen sometime...i ran outta paper. sucks. But I am gonna go ahead and preview TWO more pages of this issue just for the hell of it. Did I flipflop? Probably.
page 30
page 31
In other news, I'm planning a trip to Chicago this august 9th to the 13th to attend WIZARD WORLD. The total cost of the trip is about $850 which is not entirely outside my range, its just a matter of paying for it soon before all the rooms and flights are booked for that time. I'll bring my portfolio along and a sketchpad if anyone wants a sketch. Wether or not the rest of the team joins me is completely up to them but I am certainly going. For those who cant make it, ill post pics each nite after the show.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

lucky number SE7EN

Seven pages left folks, We start the lettering and hopefully the coloring soon. I just might make a deadline! Anyways here's the next page.
page 29

This is gonna be the last page I preview for this issue so if you want to see the rest, you'll just have to pickup a copy. We'll be selling mostly through Left Field's Cards and Comics in Milford, PA but I have plans to sell online. I just need to figure out how. Also, if there is a color artist out there looking for a project to work on, email me with the header "COLOR ARTIST". Shoot me some samples of your work and If daddy likes, we'll talk.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

splash pages are hard

it took me far longer than i wanted it to but the 2 page spread is finally done. Just a few more pages to go for this issue.
Im gonna attempt to hammer out two more pages before I go to work. If so, ill post them in the morning.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

good lord, far too cute

honestly I have no idea why i did this but I did and my daughter LOVES me for it.

In actual news, I spent all of last night at my job writing out the definitive overarching plot for D-listers and enough major plot elements to last YEARS. What sucks is I cant actually let you read any of it unless you actually work for me. Gay, I know but them's the breaks. I will say this though...Its nothing that you would expect...and it's FAR FAR grander a story then what you've seen.

Keep watchin, Issue #1 on sale at the end of June.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

'splode Bliff Blam!!

Yo, movin along at a nice clip today. would have more but the splash page is taking up far more time than I expected. In any case, heres the next page. Enjoy.


Friday, May 25, 2007

cheesecake is delicious

I've been drawing male characters for so long that today i just needed a break. So I threw together in preperation for the second issue when we debut Kenetika. I finished the second draft of the script last night and today I'm gonna run it past the crew for edits and such. the second is based off a Liberty Meadows cover which aparently is based off a norman you know, cant call me on a swipe of a swipe. enjoy!


Saturday, May 19, 2007


I threw these together as a possible covers I want to use later down the road. The homage should be obvious. enjoy.

This one will serve as the cover to the double sized #1

Friday, May 18, 2007


AH HA! thought you could defeat me with such pitiful attacks! Know this INTERNET, i can take whatever you can dish out ya bastard! Come GET YOU SOME!

....just needed to get that out there. I got rid of the malware that was preventing me from logging in so ill have the next page up tonight most defiantly.

....and here it is. Page 5 in the can folks, enjoy.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

somebody set us up the bomb!

Sorry about the massive delay, rest assured War4rged Studios is still in full swing over here. My main PC has been infected with some nasty malware thats preventing me from using any google based services and is redirecting ALL of my searches, regardless of which site or browser) to porn and bullshit search engines. Honestly, I've been assaulted by malicious software before but never has the attack seem so...personal. What this means for you is i cant post anymore preview art until the this gets resolved.
In lighter news, I finished another page and am nearly finished with the scripts to issues two and three. I have plans to attend WizardWorld in Philly this year, but we'll have to see what the budget allows.
I promise to have the next page up within the next day or so. So untill then...


Thursday, May 10, 2007

dude, i think he's taking this abit seriously

I gotta tell ya, this just gets better and better as the pages go by. I mean, I didn't think this would be so much fun to do but I am having a blast with this project. Dude I cant wait till issue three, thats when I think this book really starts to cut loose. Anywhoo, got another page for ya today, hope you enjoy it as much as I did drawing it.


As a side note, the weather has been just gorgeous here in Liberty, NY. Trees in bloom, perfect temp...fuckin love spring.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

oh sh*t...

Well, another day another page in the can. Here's another piece of preview art of the Double Sized D-listers #1 on sale in June.
We're movin over here at a nice clip and since I've decided to bypass the inking phase entirely, it should go even faster. Some color previews in the works so stay tuned.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Double D sized For a B sized price!

Yo true believers, John here with some preview art for the double sized #1 of D-Listers on sale in June.
Page 21
Page 22

Dude, By leaps and bounds better than my earlier work. Like I leveled up at some point.


workin the overnite

hey john here, no sketches on this post because I'm posting at work. Just wanted to say a few things that have been on my mind involving this comic. Let me just say to everyone who stuck by me, my friends and colleagues that encouraged me to stick by my guns, my parents and to all of us here at the W4S...thank you very much. I really mean that. Its not everyday one gets to see his destiny laid out in front of him so neatly. I'm finally doing what I love. So once again thank you all.

On a side note Id like to comment on the artwork in the first issue. I started this book a little more than a year ago. It was fully penciled in a month on really shitty 11x17 sketch paper without the aid of real guides, blue pencil, wacom tablet or any true sense of the scope and grandeur necessary to make a real comic. I jumped into this industry with both feet half cocked and without fear, ready to show the world what I knew in my heart, I was capable of.

I've gotten a lot of very positive criticism on the art in this issue from comic readers, peers and even other artists that have never read a comic, least of all a super hero comic in there lives. But as anyone who draws knows, you are your own worst critic, and believe me I am a total bastard. In all honestly the primary reason it took us this long is because of my self consciousness of my own art. Hell I cut out 6 whole pages from the final product before I finally decided that this thing either needs to be made or I give up entirely.

No surrender, no retreat. It was far to late to just give up and I had a complete book just waiting to be released. Besides that, my friends who put just as much effort in this project wanted it done just as bad. At one point last year, I'm sure we all must have considered giving up on D-Listers. But we didn't and now here we are a fully published Issue that I must say looks friggin awesome in print. And thats not me tooting my horn, it just feels damn good to not only have finished this project but to have people i don't know asking for signed copies that they wish to pay for 2 days before FCBD.

How many people can say they did this. Not many I'll tell you that. And just wait, right now(well not now now but six hours ago and as soon as i get home from work) I'm penciling NINETEEN additional pages for the real release of D-Listers #1, and she'll be in full color.

It's been one year and I got to tell you, from the bottom of my black critic heart, I have gotten generations better than I was starting this. And just to prove it, over the next few weeks I'll post some previews of the new pages and you can judge for yourselves. Until then...


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

character sketches

Got some new character sketches for you today, the first is Kenetika, former teen superhero now semi retired and the third member of d-listers joining us in issue #2. The second, created by Joel Lambert and designed by me is Joelsengard "mighty drunken viking undead warrior badass Rockstar." Lastly is Commander Impervious Savior of earth Puncher of evildoers.



As far as our status here at WFS, the FCBD edition of D-listers #1 Super Awesome Elcheapo Editon is printed and ready for the 5th. The question you need to ask is...are you? No, didn't think so. The "Real not cheap you have to pay edition now in color" D-listers #1 will be out in the end of june so stay tuned.

Sunday, April 29, 2007



We finished early so the first 10 readers that picks up a free issue gets a free poster. We are just that awesome.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

preview of the next two issues

Issue 2 cover
Issue 3 cover
Got some final pencils for the next two issues of D-listers due out in june and july

Friday, April 27, 2007


it finally happened. D-listers issue #1 is done. See you at Left Feild C&C for Free Comic Book Day.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Not much time left. FCBD is less than 2 weeks away. We're grinding along at a rather smooth pace here at the studio. Here's 5 new pages for your enjoyment. These will be the last pages I'm gonna post out of this issue, later this week ill post the finished cover but if you want to see the rest and snag yourself a free poster signed by the drones here at war4rged studios, stop by left field cards and comics in Milford, PA on may 5th. And while you're there pick up some free swag, tis the season and all.

page 8 and 9
page 10

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

grinding along


hey, back again with the 5th page uploaded and texted up with the wordlie goodness. Lord of the Rings Online has put a huge stranglehold on my free time, which is funny 'kus I normally hate MMORPG's. But for some reason, I really like this game.
Excuses aside, The 5th of may is FREE COMICBOOK DAY and I was invited to promo the book at my favorite comic store, Left feild's cards and comics out in Milford, PA. Me and the crew will be there to give out special " El cheapo ultra crappy" editions of this very comic and some not so crappy glossy posters of the team. If you live anywhere near there you should stop by and say hi.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

enter...the villian!

you say his whole damn name bitches!


sub sequentially, enjoy this fresh fruit.


Monday, April 2, 2007

captian...incomming transmission.

On Screen! Got some more preview work to show, this time its the first splash page of the first issue.

D-listers page 8-9

I've got alot more to post but it will have to wait until my scanner decides to work. I'm looking at friday, saturday tops.

Friday, March 30, 2007

RE: update

accually it turns out the first issue is gonna be 38 pages long...giant robots are big

new sketches in the works

I got some new sketches for the following 3 issues of D-listers just waiting to be scanned. But, as the universe often does, my scanner broke. So yea kinda of a tease but I promise, new stuff is on the way soon, possibly by later tonight.
As a side note, issue #1 will be held back at least one more month. I'm adding 12 more pages to it to make it a full 32 page read. It should go much more smoothly than as per usual and I'm gonna ink it digitally like the first 3 pages. I've done some growing since I started this project over a year ago and I've learned a number of tricks to this trade. It is coming...promise.
Also as a last note. Due to time and cash restrictions I decided to keep the comic uncolored with the exception of a few splash pages and the front and back cover. In the future this will change but for now thats the way it has to be.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

D- listers issue 1

page 1
page 2

first 4 pages of the epic 6 know with the pitcures and the's a comic.

day one

moving day starts in a week, got tired of myspace so i've decided to move the comic to this site. More to come later
