Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bring your trunks, Im gonna splash ya

I can honestly say this is the most fun I've had drawing so far. This splash page is set to replace the first two pages in the double sized #1 due out in Dec. I replaced a lot of the art because half the book was drawn almost 3 years ago and I'm just not that artist anymore. Part of the reason this book took so long is because of that. Not being satisfied with leaving in old art, I've been replacing pages here and there (Especially the ones that were scanned poorly). So the first issue may look a bit hodge podge because of the old and new art but its still the best damn comic no one has read yet.


Honestly what really burns is that I cant use any of these characters because...well they're dead.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The new cover


Just finished it today. All thats left is lettering and final editing then its off to the presses. In a week I start the pencils for the second issue and ofcourse ill post some of the pencils. Also getting some work done on that project T.O.M. Were lookin to put a 6 page preview in the next issue. stay tuned for more.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

preview of next months episode

Im not gonna say a word. Enjoy the preview in next months issue.


Pencils in the Can !

Oh man, I didn't think I'd finish so soon (or late depending on how you look at it?) but the pencils on issue #1 double sized (which is basically issues 1 and 2 combined) are done. All thats left to do is final editing and lettering and its off to the printer. I wish i could color it, I'm capable but I just don't have the time. So in the future if I can find a color artist willing to work basically for free, they'll just have to stay B&W for now. Perhaps if i get picked up by a publisher they will hook me up. Anywhoo, here's a small sample of the 38th page for you to enjoy. The rest of the issue goes on sale in 5 weeks. Still out before Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


not much now. workin on the last 7 pages of D-listers #1 doublesized which brings the total page count to 35 so far (44 in total). What I do have for you is a third sketch for that mysterious Project T.O.M.


stay tuned for more.
