Monday, November 12, 2007

Fallyn Soul

Thats the title for the second project I'm working on with our newest member, Tom Bennis. Ill let him give the details but suffice it to say, its not a superhero book. Which is nice because it gives me the chance to draw different stuff, you'd be surprised how sick you can get drawing cityscapes all day long. Anyway, here's the first page for you to enjoy.


And now the second. I'm trying to appeal to the female comic reader demographic here with this project.


man candy...


Saturday, November 3, 2007

a love note to gainax

honestly these blog titles have almost no bearing on their content.

I somehow managed to make 7 new pages and 2 replacement pages on the inside of 2 days.(bringing the total number of pages done in a week to 11, a personal best)
The 3 new pages plus the 2 page splash page i made the day before are now the new intro to the first issue while the 2 other pages replace older art that i am honestly glad no one has to see anymore. I'd usually have a set of scans to follow but im typing this on my blackberry and am nowhere near my scanner. (thus all the grammatical errors)
I also completed 2 pages for issue #2 and 2 pages for Tom Bennis's project "Fallyn Soul" which has a "Bleach meets Wormwood" feel to it that i think you're gonna like very much.
The plan, is to pick back up on that issue next week with another marathon drawing session while i get D-listers formatted and to the press. Anyone interested in purchasing an issue can do so from Leftfeild's comics and cards in Milford, PA and also from the website in about a month from now.
As soon as i get off work tomorrow morning, ill scan the new D-lister pages. Untill then...
